Through winter and the long, dark evenings, there was lots of advice online about keeping your home secure due to the increase in crime at that time of year. Now that the weather is picking up, the days are longer and spring is in the air, it is important not to let the security of […]
View PostSmart Home Security

Last year we took a look at the future of CCTV and alarms and how technology was improving the way we use this equipment. A year on, many of these predications in trends have become a reality, with more homes embracing the automation side of home security. Home automation includes the control of your home […]
View PostCCTV on Public Transport

CCTV cameras are becoming more common in public places as well as homes. There are websites online where you can watch live streams of CCTV footage from famous landmarks around the world, and even watch back to footage taken from moving trains on their journeys across landscapes in Norway, Canada and Japan. Some people find […]
View PostPSIMs – Multi-Device Security Control

PSIMs have been mentioned a lot in security news lately as they start to gain momentum. These Physical Security Information Management systems have been around for a while, but it is in the last few months that notice has really been taken to their potential and how they can help manage all sorts of systems […]
View PostHow CCTV Can Help Your Business

Many businesses use CCTV for security purposes, prevention of crime is of course its primary function. But CCTV can help your business in many other ways than just crime prevention. CCTV cameras are also an added deterrent and will generally cut down on opportunist crimes. Having CCTV present in a premises is also known to create a […]
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